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Audirvana Free Trial | pink fish media - First steps- Tidal free trial - Licenses and Installation - Audirvana
I just purchased Audirvana 3. I tried to use the 3-months free Master trial from the link that I cannot find anymorebut I could only audirvana tidal trial free to the standard 1-month free trial. How might I convert it to the promised 3 months? Maybe in territory where you live this offer is not available. The best you привожу ссылку do is to engage with Tidal customer support and try to convince them to grant you extended trial.
Same here - I just bought Audirvana, clicked on the link for audirvana tidal trial free 3 month trial of Tidal and only option was one month. When I go back into Audirvana it tells me that the voucher code has already been issued, but it never was. Probably, but there is no voucher involved.
You just sign up through Audirvana. If course it audirvana tidal trial free to be an email unknown to Tidal. OohCDI sent you a private message with a link to activate your 3 audirvana tidal trial free trial, have you tried it?
To go to your private message on the forum click on your icon on the top right. Hi - yes, I did receive that, thanks. I meant to mention that in my earlier reply but forgot!
I forwarded the code to Tidal, so hopefully they can sort it out. Hi, I am having the same issue as OohCD. Antoinecould you send me a link to activate 25 free 2010 product characters office microsoft key 3 month trial please? Antoine I am having the same issue with Tidal trial - no 3 month trial available.
Could you send me a voucher please? Hello Laurenceaudirvana tidal trial free is the mail you used for your purchase of Audirvana?
This topic was automatically closed days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. Many thanks. Please send me a new voucher code! UK based so offer is valid. Have you subscribed to or tested Tidal before?
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